Wednesday, July 27, 2011

High School Skinny!!!

So, I know that it has been a while since I lasted blogged about anything.... And, I am really sorry. But, I am back on top of it now.

Last time I blogged I told you that I was going to get my measurements and everything..... So... here they are.
Weight = 185 lbs
Body Fat Percentage = 32.1%
Fat Weight = 59 lbs
Lean Body Mass = 125.61 lbs
My target Body Fat = 26%
My Ideal (healthy) Weight = 169.74

So, I really need to lose 15.26 lbs of fat

Not as bad as I thought, or feel, but still I have some work to do. We are on an eight week training program, so after the eight weeks we will reweigh and remeasure body fat to see how we are doing. I will keep you all posted!!

Since I had this done on July 7th 2011 My mom and I have been going to KoKo AT LEAST three times a week and doing weight training followed by cardio. We have changed our way of eating too. We are eating less processed foods, lot of fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, one protein shake everyday (EAS light... YUM) natural peanut butter, and reading the labels of EVERYTHING we eat. Make sure that everything you eat has a protein. We eat 4-5 small meals a day and everyone of those meals has a protein. For example:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and a peach
Snack: An Apple with Natural Peanut butter
Lunch: Homemade grilled chicken sandwich with a salad
Snack: Protein shake
Dinner: Roasted Chicken with Broccoli and a Carb Smart fudge popsicle if I need something sweet.

It is very important to make sure that everything you eat has 7g of sugar or less, I am trying to stay under 5g per serving. Also, watch the amount of sodium.

It did seem a little daunting when we first started, but it is quickly becoming second nature. Its important to realize that you can't change everything in a day or week. Make sure you start with baby steps, and if you have a splurge moment don't give up or get mad. It happens to the best of us.

More to come soon.... I hope this helps and inspires you all to join me :)  And, remember Rome wasn't built in a takes time, determination, and a lot of HARD work!!


  1. Cool! Can't wait to go shopping for new jeans! Road Trip!!

  2. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Thanks for your honesty and I hope to help encourage you! :)

  3. Get it, Girl!! I am SO proud of you, V!
