Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time to SLIM down!!!

So, I went to the gym today......
I joined KoKo Fitness in Belle Meade and it is really cool!! It is a virtual personal trainer. You do your card and workout in 30 minutes at least 3times. The card machines have MP3 players on them that you plug your ear buds into and you pick which exercise you want to do and a trainer guides you through it every step of the way. I did the Moderate Hill Sprint on the elliptical today for 15minutes and it KICKED my butt, in a good way :) After that you go to a machine, and by the way all of your exercises are done on one yes that's right ONE machine. It is amazing!!! Once at the Machine you have a monitor that has written instructions as well as a person demonstrating what you need to do. The reason that this program is so effective is because it wants and makes sure that you keep a moderate pace to keep your heart rate up. Once you do the weight training for 15minutes your workout is done and that is it!! I LOVE it.
Tomorrow I am getting my BMI, body fat analysis, and a meal plan done and I will post all of that. Yes, I am going to tell you all what I weight, my BMI, my measurements, and my body fat percentage. I feel like this will help anyone who is trying to lose weight and I hope to motivate anyone who has been wanting to lose weight, but cant seem to "find the time"!! I'm here to tell you you have to MAKE the time. And, the time has come to get fit!!!
So, stay tuned for all the juicy details on how it goes tomorrow at the gym and the new meal plan...... it will be interesting :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl!

    I wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration you are to me and many others. You have beat this battle before aned i know that you can do it again. I have to find a way to make time for me to start working out. I hope that maybe since you have moved back to TN that you can help me in beating this battle as well and maybe become accountability partners. Keep the blog going, I enjoy reading it.

